Urban Platter
Urban Platter Gum Mastiha, 25g [Mastic Gum / Mastiha of Chios Island from Greece; Pistacia Lentiscus; Natural Chewing Gum]
Urban Platter Gum Mastiha, 25g [Chios Gum Mastic from Greece]
Mastiha is the natural and rare tree resin from the mastic tree, which grows only on the island of Chios. Chios’ Mastiha is protected by the European Union as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product. Mastic has numerous beneficial properties, which are known since ancient times. Herodotus has written about it in the 5th century B.C. Also in Roman times, women used it as a breath freshener and teeth whitener. Moreover, Christopher Columbus was astonished by the properties of mastic when he visited the island.
Mastic from Chios can be easily categorized as superfoods, due to its multiple properties. Scientific studies have shown that mastic is real medicine for the digestive system. Chian mastiha is a natural antioxidant, as it is proven that its consumption reduces blood cholesterol levels. Furthermore, it is suitable for oral hygiene, it has antimicrobial properties and it can be used for skin injuries. Also, mastic is added as an ingredient in pharmaceutical products against hair growth. Mastic oil, which is the essential oil obtained by distillation of the natural gum, is widely used in facial creams, as it is found that regenerate and enhance skin elasticity.
Mastic of Chios has extensive applications and uses. It has been a source of inspiration in the food and beverage industry, the pharmaceutical and chemical industry and in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. Moreover, mastic can be eaten pain (as a gum) or it can be added to food to give its great flavour. At last, there is a great variety of excellent traditional liquors that contain mastic of Chios.
One of the best known natural chewing gums, this sweet-smelling, classic resin has a track record as ancient as Frankincense and Myrrh. Used extensively in the Mediterranean for medicine since the time of Hippocrates in ancient Greece, Mastic is a mainstay of Mediterranean cooking, baking and the production of liqueurs,
Grown mainly on the Greek island of Chios, Mastic resin production has been coveted by empires and conquerors. Controlling the supply of Chios Mastic has been a strategic consideration by invading armies for hundreds if not thousands of years. Mastic is the original Old World chewing gum with the origin of it's name rooted in mastication ie: chewing.
With traditional medicinal attributes ranging from digestive ease, fresh breath, stimulating the gums and appetite, removing plaque and refreshing the mind, Mastic has been used as medicine for thousands of years.
The unique aroma of Mastic makes it valuable in both incense blends and perfume compositions.
Studies have shown that compounds in Mastic resin kill the H. Pylori bacteria which is a known cause of ulcers.
When creating sacred space or cleansing an area, I have found there is nothing with as high a vibration and cleansing ability as a couple of Mastic tears on the coal.
Mastic is an integral ingredient in "Chrism" the sacred anointing oil of the Orthodox church.
Mastic has a unique and unusually sweet aroma which has made it a popular ingredient in confections, cakes, puddings and other traditional culinary delights of cultures all around the Mediterranean.
Chios Mastiha: A tear that pleases, perfumes, relieves, heals! Chios Mastiha is the name of a resinous sap produced from the mastic tree (Pistacia Lentiscus var. Chia). It is a natural, aromatic resin in teardrop shape, falling on the ground in drops from superficial scratches induced by cultivators on the tree's trunk and main branches with sharp tools. As it drips, this sap appears as a sticky and translucent liquid which, 15-20 days later, is solidified into irregular shapes influenced by the area's weather conditions in summertime, that is intense drought and sunlight. After being solidified, it has a crystal form, while its rather bitter taste quickly subsides to leave a distinctive aroma that really makes it unique. That solid product is then harvested and washed by mastic growers, giving us finally the natural Chios mastiha. Its colour is initially ivory-like but as time goes by, that shade is lost and 12 to 18 months later it changes into yellowish due to oxidation. It is made of hundreds of components, among which only 80 are contained in identifiable quantities. Such multitude probably justifies the multiple uses of Chios mastiha, in the fields of food industry, health and cosmetic care, worldwide. Chios Mastiha is a unique product with many beneficial qualities and wide- ranging uses since antiquity. Nowadays, it is used in pharmaceuticals, perfumes, cosmetics, beverages, bakery goods, sweets as well as in cooking. Chios Mastiha is the natural resin of Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia, a tree which grows only on the Aegean island of Chios, Greece. Scientific research shows that Chios Mastiha has anti- microbial, anti- inflammatory, and healing activity. Also, it has beneficial effects on both body hygiene and skin care. You can use mastic as ordinary chewing gum, or you can grind it into powder and use it as a natural medicine for peptic ulcers and general for stomach disorders.