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URBAN15Click to CopyCopied Successfully!
15% off on First Order. Min order value above Rs. 1,000
URBAN20Click to CopyCopied Successfully!
20% off on order value above Rs. 5,000
DRYFRUIT15Click to CopyCopied Successfully!
15% off on Dry Fruits & Nuts on cart value above Rs. 2,500
URBAN25Click to CopyCopied Successfully!
25% off on cart value above Rs. 10,000
MORESPICYClick to CopyCopied Successfully!
30% off on Spices & Condiments on cart value above Rs. 5,000
BAKEDClick to CopyCopied Successfully!
20% off on Baking Supplies worth Rs.2,500
SPICEUPClick to CopyCopied Successfully!
20% off on Spices & Seasonings worth Rs.2,000.
SUPER15Click to CopyCopied Successfully!
15% off on Super food worth Rs.2,000.